Friday, November 29, 2019
ACT Test Dates Whenââ¬â¢s a Good Time for You
Choose Your SAT / ACT Test Dates Whenââ¬â¢s a Good Time for You SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips "I have no idea what to expect" is not a sentence you want runningthrough your mind on your way to take theSAT or ACT. If you take control of your test prep and schedule, then you shouldn't have any surprises on test day. Besides studying, part of your preparation should bestrategically planning out your SAT/ACT test dates. Instead of closing your eyes and pointing randomly at a calendar, you canask yourself some key questions to figure out when the best SAT/ACT test dates are for you. The first question that every student should ask herself, of course, is, When are my college deadlines? When Are My Deadlines? Most, if not all, students taking the SAT/ACT are doing so are part of their applications to 4-year colleges.Knowing your deadlines is the first piece of important information for making your SAT test date choice and ACT test date choice. SAT/ACT scores might also be required for some scholarships, which also might affect your choice of test dates. Deadlines for College Most regular decision deadlines for college are around January 1st in your senior year. January 15 is another common deadline, and some colleges go even later, like into February and March. If you're applying early action or early decision, then your deadlines are probably sometime in November. It takes about 3 weeks to receive your SAT or ACT scores, so you want to make sure you leave at least this much time between your test dates and your first deadline. For peace of mind, though, you'd be much better off getting your test done and ready to go before the last possible date. Leaving it to the last minute gives you no protection if you have a fluke testing day or are disappointed with your scores. Plus there's the rare chance you could get unlucky and have your scores delayed or even canceled, and then you'd be out of time. The SAT is given 7 times throughout the year, in January, March, May, June, October, November, and December. The ACT is usually given 6 times, in February, April, June, September, October, and December. One way to consider your testing schedule is the "1/3 - 2/3 rule." Depending on when you're starting to prep and plan, you could take the SAT/ACT 1/3 of the time between your starting point and when your applications are due, and the second time at 2/3 between "now" and your deadlines. If you started in January of junior year, for example, you could take your first SAT/ACT in April or May and your next test in the fall, like in October. This "rule" assumes you're going to take the SAT/ACT twice, but a lot of students choose to take it three or more times. I'll delve into what a typical test-taking schedule looks like for students more below, but first let's discuss the other deadlines you might be meeting: scholarship deadlines. Can't relate to this at all, right? Deadlines for Scholarships Your SAT/ACT scores might also be an important consideration for winning scholarship money. Most score-based scholarships come directly from colleges, so your scholarship deadlines will generally match your college deadlines. If SAT/ACT-based scholarships are important for you, then you might want to get your scores earlier to help determine your college list. If you are able to achieve qualifying scores for guaranteed SAT/ACT scholarships, then you can make sure to apply to those schools that will award you money. Since application planning is a process that takes several months, you probably want to have your SAT/ACT scores by the end of junior year. That way you can plan accordingly, know which colleges you're applying to, and focus on the rest of your application. As I mentioned above, one potential problem with taking your tests last minute is that you'd run out of test dates if you aren't satisfied with your scores. Many students take the SAT/ACT more than once or twice to prep between tests and improve their scores. How many times you want to take the test is the next important questionto ask yourself when choosing test dates. How Many Times Do I Want to Take the SAT/ACT? There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking the SAT/ACT more than once to achieve your target scores. In fact, I'd highly recommend taking it at least twice, if not three or more times. Almost everyone improves when they retake the SAT/ACT. This "real test" experience can be especially valuable if you use it as a launching off point to determine your strengths and weaknesses and do targeted test prep that will help you pull up your scores the next time. If, like most students, you're taking your test more than once, then you want to make sure you leave yourself enough test dates and monthsin between each one to study. If you took the SAT in May and then again the next month in June, then you really wouldn't have time to improve very much. Instead, you want to leave several months in between test dates to prep effectively. Given this strategic approach to hitting your scores on the SAT/ACT, what does a typical test-taking schedule look like for most students? Typical Test-Taking Schedule A typical SAT/ACT schedule for the majority of students involves three opportunities to take the test. Hopefully this guide helps you realize that there are several considerations when making your SAT test date choice and ACT test date choice. Just because this schedule works for a lot of students, doesn't automaticallymean it's the best one for you. Typical Schedule Many students take their first SAT/ACT in the fall of junior year, after spending the summer studying. After receiving their initial scores and reflecting on the experience, students can take the next few months to reinforce their understanding and improve areas of weakness. Then they take the test again in the spring of junior year. At this point, you might have achieved your target scores and be satisfied with your results. If you want another chance to improve your scores, you still have several summer months to prep and then take your test again in the fall of senior year. At this point, you've reached your last opportunity to test and will be applying to college. There are pros and cons to this schedule. The pros include 3 opportunities to take the SAT/ACT Advanced skills and content knowledge that you've developed throughout high school. Over a year to prep and improve your scores between fall of junior year and fall of senior year. This schedule works really well for a lot of students, but there are also some cons to consider: Limited test dates. Once you reach fall of senior year, you don't have time to take the SAT/ACT for a fourth time. May overlap with busy times of year, like AP tests, college planning, and varsity sports in junior and senior year. May feel more pressure and stress on each test date, since you don't have extra time beyond these dates. If any of these cons resonate with you, perhaps because of your junior year activities or anxieties around testing, then you might consider pushing back this typical schedule and registering for the SAT/ACT even earlier than junior year. Juggling a lot junior year? Considertaking the SAT/ACT earlier. Earlier Schedule If you push this typical schedule back about half a year, then you could take your first SAT test in the spring of sophomore year and then have about three more opportunities to test. If you wanted five test dates, then you could take it in the fall of sophomore year. Depending on how much prep you put into the SAT/ACT, you could even be ready to take it freshman year. Technically, you can take the SAT as many times as you want and the ACT up to 12 times. Of course, this would be overkill, both a waste of time and money and a potential red flag to colleges. While taking the SAT/ACT up to 6 times is acceptable, you probably don't need more to leave yourself any more test dates than that. If you find yourself having to take it over and over to achieve your scores, that time and energy could probably be better spent on test prep. Besides taking the pressure off and leaving you with more test dates, pushing this typical schedule back to sophomore year is a good option if you're trying to build up your scores section by section, or "superscore" your test. I'll explain what exactly I mean by superscoring below. Superscoring the SAT/ACT For anyone not familiar with the term "superscoring," it refers to the policy that some colleges use when they consider your standardized test scores. If colleges superscore, they take your highest section scores across all the dates you took the test and use those for your final test scores. If you take the SAT/ACT more than once, then superscoring is your friend. If you know that your colleges will superscore your results, you can actually use this policy to your advantage. Rather than focusing on improving your scores in every section every time you take the test, you could focus intensively on bringing up your math score, for instance. Then you could take the test again and really focus in on Reading, or Writing, or ACT Science. Obviously you shouldn't completely neglect any sections, but this could be a way to achieve a really strong score section by section across numeroustest dates. Again, you would need to make sure your colleges superscore and don't look at all scores or your highest sitting.If you're using this approach, you would want to start taking the SAT/ACT in freshman or sophomore year to leave yourself enough test dates. Again, I wouldn't recommend taking either test more than 6 times. This superscoring approach to taking the SAT/ACT leads us to the next important considerationwhen choosing your test dates - how much test prep you're willing and able to devote to meeting your goals. Hard at work. How LongCan I Prepare Before My Test? Just as you don't want to neglect any sections of the SAT/ACT, you also don't want to treat any official test as a throwaway, even if it's just the first time you're taking it. At the very minimum, I would recommend putting in 10 hours of test prep before sitting for a real test. This will help you get familiar with the instructions and format, but won't help much beyond that for improving your scores. Your study schedule is a big factor in determining which test date you choose for your first SAT/ACT. So how long do you plan to study? How Much Time Can I Devote to Test Prep? To figure out your study schedule, you need to figure out how you can balance test prep with everything else you're doing in and out of school. I think the best way to make a schedule and stick to it is to write it down in a planner or calendar and create a routine. If you have free time on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 to 8, then set that aside as your study time. Of coursethis can change if you get assigned a big project or essay, but beingconsistent about your test prep is the best way to ensure that you'll stick to your plan. Before taking your first SAT/ACT, I would also recommend taking a practice test. You can time yourself, score it, and see if you're performing near your target scores. If you're much lower than you think you can achieve and still have several available test dates, then you might want to hold off on taking the real test until you study some more. If you start early enough, then you can have more flexibility in your study schedule and which test dates you choose. Either way, it's a good idea to consider your test-taking schedule in conjunction with your test prep schedule. As academic tests, the SAT/ACT also line up with your classes in school, but when they line upmight differ from student to student. Before signing up for your test, you should consider how it coincideswith your current high school classes. How Does It Line Up With My Classes? In order to answer this question, you want to familiarize yourself with what's actually tested on the Reading, Writing, and Math section of the SAT and the Reading, English, Math, and Science section of the ACT. While the content on each test is not all that advanced, there are certain concepts that are helpful to have studied in school. Both tests cover geometry, for example, and the math section of the ACT even covers some trigonometry. If you're taking geometry freshman year, then your best SAT test dates might beearlier than junior or senior year, since by then you'll have moved onto more advanced math. Conversely, if you aren't studying geometry or trigonometry until junior year, then you might be better off sticking to the typical schedule mentioned above and taking the SAT/ACT for the first time junior year. Similarly, you might benefit from one or two more years in high school writing persuasive essays and developing your reading comprehension skills before taking the SAT/ACT. If you're strong in English, however, you might be well prepared to score highly before you're an upperclassman. Plus studying early could help you cultivate your existing skills and get a headstart on learning new knowledge. The best way to gauge your level is to tryofficial practice problems for the SAT and ACT and see how familiar you are with the material. If you're already studying the concepts you need in freshman or sophomore year, then you might strongly consider signing up for the test early and even getting it finished with before you're a junior or senior. Getting your scores all set and ready to send to colleges early may also be a relief if your schedule gets busy in th and 12th grade. Yikes. What Else Is On My Schedule? When choosing the best SAT test dates and ACT test dates, you might also think about what other activities and responsibilities you have coming up. Junior year might get busywith AP classes and finals. You might lead Student Council or an Amnesty International campaign. Maybe you're exhausted everyday fromvarsity football practice. If your life is looking hectic junior year, then you might want to get your SAT/ACT done earlier than junior year. Even if it seems easier to push off the tests and let Future You deal with them, you could do yourself a favor by prepping early, taking the tests, and then having more time as your schedule gets more and more packed. On the flip side, maybe you're busy with summer camps before freshman and sophomore year and have more time before th and 12th grade. In either case, you can really personalize your testing schedule to fit your own goals and find balance with your other activities and interests. These might sound like a lot of questions to answer before signing up for the SAT/ACT, but they are meant to help you take control of the process and maximize your ability to find balance and achieve strong scores for your college applications. Read on for a summary of the most significant factors in determining the best SAT/ACT test dates for you. Choosing Your SAT/ACT Test Dates As I mentioned above, the typical test-taking schedule for the SAT/ACT is to take it for the first time in the fall of junior year, again in the spring of junior year, and, if so desired, for the final time in the fall of senior year (as long as your college deadlines allow). Students who are prepping earlier might move this timeline ahead to leave themselves extra test dates or get their scores all set and ready to go early. The most important questions you should ask yourself when planning your test-taking schedule are the following: What are my deadlines for college and scholarships? How many times do I want to take the SAT/ACT? Am Itrying to improve my scores in all sections with each retake or using a "superscoring" strategy? How long do I plan to study? Besides these primary considerations, you might also consider your classes and other pursuits as factors. In this case, ask yourself How does the SAT or ACT line up with my high school classes? What else do I have in my schedule and how can I balance test prep with my other assignments and activities? By answering these questions, you can devisea test prep and test-taking schedule and have a strong rationale behind your choices. Take control of the college application process by having a strong sense of where you're starting out, where you want to go, and what you need to do in between to get there. By articulatingclear reasons and a strong sense of purpose, you can answer any questions you have about the SAT or ACT and achieve your goals. Confused pug answered all his SAT/ACT questions. What's Next? Find out which exact dates you want to choose with our Table of 2015-2016 SAT Test Dates, and then read our Full Review of Every Single 2015-2016 SAT Test Date here. For more test-specific advice on exactly when to take the SAT or ACT for the first time, check out our SAT guidehere and ACT guidehere. Do you still have questions about how to design the best study plan for the SAT/ACT? Check outour guidefor your study plan before junior year and study plan before senior year. As you study, you definitely want to use official SAT and ACT practice questions. You can download official practice test pdfs for the SAT here and the ACT here. Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Monday, November 25, 2019
Amity Assignment Essays
Amity Assignment Essays Amity Assignment Essay Amity Assignment Essay Answer Durable goods are those which are used for a longer period of time. It does not wear out very quickly and works for a longer period of time. For example, television set is a durable good because it is used for a longer period of time and does not last very quickly. One the most important problem in determining the demand for television set arises from the fact that sale of television creates secondhand market not controlled by the original seller. This creates problem In the estimating the real demand for television set because the transaction In secondary market often get unreported. The second problem associated with the determination of demand for durable goods Is uncertainty regarding product replacement time I. E. The time gap after which the consumer would look for new television set. Firms are not able to analysis when the consumer would look to purchase the new television set since television are often used for longer period of time, so firms cannot determine the exact product replacement. This makes estimation of demand for television set very difficult. The third problem could be uncertainty regarding consumer preferences. Firms do not know whether consumers attach more value to rice or to quality or to features. There is always a kind of dilemma between price and quality (or features). If the product is of high quality and features, it is likely to carry high price. Now if consumers attach more value to price, they are likely to purchase a product with fewer features because it would less costly to them. However, these things are not know to the firms producing durable goods and it creates problem in determining the demand for a durable good.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Barrack Obama Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Barrack Obama - Essay Example The paper will provide a brief history on the life of Barack Obama and how he rose to the position he is today. In addition, the paper will illustrate the different ways in which Barack Obama made a positive impact on the American community and beyond. Barack Obama was born on the 4th of August 1961 to two parents who came from extremely different backgrounds (ââ¬Å"Barack Obama. 44th President of the United Statesâ⬠, n.d). His father, Barack Obama Sr. was from Kenya and studying at the University of Hawaii on a scholarship. Ann Dunham, his mother, was from a small town in Kansas and the two of them were married in 1959, two years before Barack Obama Jr. was born in Honolulu (ââ¬Å"Barack Obama. 44th President of the United Statesâ⬠, n.d). Barack did not grow up with his father as he left in order to complete an economics degree at Harvard University and then returned to his native country, Kenya, to work as an economist for the government. Obama moved to Indonesia with his mother after she married an oil executive and he studied for 4 years in Jakarta before returning to high school in Hawaii (ââ¬Å"Barack Obama. 44th President of the United Statesâ⬠, n.d). Obama was raised by his grandparents and often recalls the problems he faced in coming to terms with his biracial heritage. Many analysts state this might have been an advantage for Obama in his later political years as his roots where both in the white and black cultures. Obama later moved to Los Angeles and attended Occidental College before moving to New York to Columbia University for a Bachelor of Arts degree (ââ¬Å"Barack Obama. 44th President of the United Statesâ⬠, n.d). The positive impact Obama had on the community began from his early years after graduation. Obama frequently states that even after graduation he was possessed with the will to implement change from grassroots level. After graduation, Obama was briefly employed as a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Utilitarianism view on a dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Utilitarianism view on a dilemma - Essay Example If we have chosen the option A and it has a great number of happy consequences as compare to option B, then the decision will be perfect. That all depends upon the great number of goodness. The ethical dilemma, which we have given, is a critical one. According to this dilemma, if a ship is sinking and there is only one life boat on the ship. The life boat has the capacity of only ten people but there are thirty people stranded in the sinking ship. The captain has two options for the utility of the life boat. One is to kill twenty people and save the rest of ten people in the life boat. On the other hand, he may let all them to die on a natural death and thus no one would be killed. In this situation, the dilemma is not of great number of goodness rather it can be explained using the lesser number of sorrow, pain or sadness while selecting anyone option. In this situation, the captain has no choice of having great number of goodness rather he can select only the option where he may have less sorrow over the consequences. If he selects the option of saving ten people on the utility of the life boat then there will be happiness that at least he has saved some people from the danger of death. In this option, he can fully utilize the opportunity of the utility of life boat. However, the dark side of this decision is the killing of more than ten people. This means that if he is saving ten people from death then on the other he is pushing twenty people to towards the death. Here in this situation the number of happiness is less as compare to the number of sorrow or the number of pain. We can say that under the umbrella of utilitarianism, the captain might not go with this decision that he can save ten people while pushing twenty other people to the death. The captain has another second option to adopt for the people. He may not kill any person in the sinking ship rather they may die their natural death. This means that he does not
Monday, November 18, 2019
Construction Industry Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Construction Industry Report - Essay Example In contemporary Western cultures it is possible for individuals to work in 5-10 different occupations before retirement. However, current thinking on careers tends to be conditioned by older and sometimes outmoded concepts of what a career ought to be. The relatively stable patterns that many in New Zealand enjoyed from 1945 - 1985 represents a past of relational contracts, steady advancement and mutual loyalty which is difficult to replicate in today's society (Elkin, Jackson & Inkson, 2004). A study conducted by Michael Arthur and his colleagues at the University of Auckland looked in depth at the careers of 75 representative New Zealanders from 1985 to 1995 (Arthur, Inkson & Pringle, 1999). Arthur's study found that individuals moved between employers and between jobs with relative ease. Very few of these moves were upward, career building moves such as promotion. For example, Arthur found that more than 60% of the people in the sample changed occupations in the 10 years covered by the study. Eighty five percent moved between organisations. The Centre for Research on Work, Education and Research Limited conducted case studies of four industries including the construction industry. ... (Centre for Research on Work, Education and Research Limited, 2004). Some skilled tradesmen in construction who had become independent contractors in the past when made redundant or by choice were reported as being worse off financially than previously. These men were a supply of labour because their alternative was to work as a sub-contractor on private building sites where they might, for example, work for 60-70 hours a week but earn only an effective $7-$8 an hour. Researchers claim that people employed in the construction industry are classified as realistic. They have mechanical abilities, like working outdoors with tools and objects and they prefer dealing with things rather than people. Construction workers tend to like practical and physical activities and they are task orientated. The construction sector is highly labour intensive. Whereas other industries can increase production by using a mix of more people and more machinery, construction is much more reliant on people. Work Environment The construction industry is seen by some people as hazardous or dangerous. The injury rate per thousand workers for the Total Construction Industry calculated from ACC Entitlement Claims Data as a whole for the 2004 year was approximately 30 injuries per thousand workers. The rate of injury was relatively stable over the 2001-2004 period even though New Zealand experienced somewhat of a 'boom' period for the industry, with many new and inexperienced workers entering the industry. (New Zealand Construction Industry Council, 2005). On the other hand, injury costs for the industry over the period 2001 to 2004 show a downward trend. As
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Properties of Urena lobata Linn (Caesar Weed)
Properties of Urena lobata Linn (Caesar Weed) PLANT PROFILE Urena lobata Linn. Botanical Name: Urena lobata Linn. Common Name: Caesar weed Parts Used: Leaves, Stem, Root and Whole plantà à Fig 1. Urena lobata Linn Taxonomical Classification Kingdom: Plantae Unranked: Angiosperms Unranked: Rosids Order: Malvales Family: Malvaceae Subfamily:Malvoideae Tribe: Hibisceae Genus: Urena Species: U. lobata Synonyms :U. americana U. grandiflora, ,U. trilobataVell., Urena diversifolia Vernacular names Vernacular names are shown in Table Table Vernacular Names of Urena lobata SI. No. Languages Vernacular Names 1 Hindi Bachata, Bachit, Bachita, Bala Bhed, Brachta, Chatkura,Dudh-Khal, Kapasi, Kunjia, Lapetua, Lotloti, Unga, Vilaiti San 2. Malayalam Urppam Ottey Udiram, Uram, Uran, Uren, Vatti, Vatto 3. Kanada Baralu Kaddi Mara, Bekkina Hejje Gida Dodda Bende, Dooda Bende, Hamsapaadi, Kaadu Thutthi, Otte, Otte Mara, Vatta 4. Marathi Rantupkada,Rantupkuda, Tupkato, Vanabendha, Vana-Bhenda, Vanbhendi, Wagdau Bhendi 5. Sanskrit Vanabhenda, Nagabala, Bala, Atibala 6. Tamil Ottatti, Ottattutti, Ottu Thuththi, Ottukututti, Ottuttutti, Ottuttutti 7. Telegu Nalla Benda, Nallabenda, Padanikaada, Pedda Benda, Peddabena, Peddabenda, Piliyamankena, Vana Benda 8. English Aramina Fibre, Congo Jute, Cousin Mahoe, Guaxima General description of Urena lobataà Linn Caesar weed called as Bur Mallow, Aramina, Hibiscus Bur and Pink Chinese Burr. It is a sub shrub 60 cm to 300 cm in altitude and basal diameter is 7 cm. Bark is downy and is hard and gristly, within the bark is green in color and outside it is brown in color the wood is medium in density and pale yellow in color. The herb is sustain through lateral and tap root arrangement. The color of ivory or brown and root system is flexible and hard-hitting roots. The plant is typically have a solitary stem rising from the land however usually generate more than a few stems and main twigs small in the shoot and a lot of twigs the whole time. Dis-colorous, grayish-green, alternating leaves are pubertal on below and above the leaf. Leaves are angulated, oval in shape and lobbed as shallow of 1 to 12 cm. They have margins of indent shape.. The shape of the fruit is globose and of 8mm to 10 mm of capsules shape and it is having mericarps of five smooth barbed. The plant grows throughout moisttropic and subtropical regions (Liogier 1994). Habitat: Urena lobata Linn, is a herbaceous, upright and semi-woody. It is coming under shrub growing, tomentose and 60 100 cm or more tallness. The young stem as well as branches are covered with somewhat harsh spreading stellate hairs (tomentum) and bearing simple, alternate variable broadly ovate to round cordate, angled or lobed leaves and sessile or shortly stalked pinkish auxiliary flowers. Leaves: Leaves of the plant are simple, alternate, petiolate and stipulate;blade-very variable. Usually the leaf is broader than long round or ovate, up to 10-15 cm long, cordate at the base angled or shallowly 5-7 lobed, the lobes not extending half way down or occasionally nearly obsolete generally acute or acuminate, serrate, stellately tomentose on both surface. But, paler beneath with five to seven pairs of basal nerves which are prominent on the under surface and below the basement region there is a large gland and occasionally at the base of two lateral also. Flowers: Pink colored flowers of Axillary shape and are of typically lonely and petals of five in number. The size of about 1 cm in board. Flower of the herb is shown in Fig Fig Flower of Urena lobata Petiole:à Variable in length. Stem:à Moderately thick, pubescent in young ones and smooth in mature ones, with long inter nodes. Root:à The root system consists of the taproot and several branching lateral roots are fairly stout and brown in colour. These may attain a diameter of 5-6 mm and length varying from 20-25 cm. Very small wiry cream color rootlets arise from the lateral roots. Small lenticels are also present towards to base and the outer surface of the root. Major chemical constituents The main constituents of Urena lobataLinn, include flavonoids and flavonoid glycosides such as à ²-sitosterol, stigmasterol, furocoumarin, imperatorin, mangiferin and quercetin (Keshab2004).It also contains kaempferol, luteolin, hypolatin and gossypetin. Geographical source Caesar Weed belongs to Asia. Herb breeds all through damp sub-tropic and tropical province counting India, Florida, Hawaii, Guam, Louisiana and in American Samoa. Environmentalism Urena lobata willingly assault anxious region, particularly badly cope scarified-pastures and eroded-areas, and it is a plantation of perennial category. This herb is less difficulty in yearly yield. Herb does not grow in wood-canopies. This plant is not struggle healthy in giant meadow and brush-lands. Cultivation Seed propagation is the method of cultivation of Urena lobata. Before sowing the seeds in the prepared land is has soak it in water for 90 min and it will result a high germination rate of 96%.. the seeds are discrete by adhere to fur and clothing. The small seedlings are planted in the on the well-prepared land.. Soil The plant will grow in a different range if soil. Fertility range also differs and the new plant will get fertilizer from parent-materials. It will not cultivate in saturated oil where all the minerals exhausted. It is having the capacity to with held the salt in the soil. Water it is need for its healthy cultivation Growth and management Urena lobata grow very fast and it will reach height of 0.5 to 2 m in tall in the first year itself. After the first season it will dying-back i.e. its second year of its first of growth we can collect the fiber after 7-8 months from the plant. It will yield a fiber of 1800 kg/hectare. These fibers are recognized from seeds only. 300-500 kg/ha seeds are getting from the plants of 7 -8 months of age. Since the plant of hostile type the planting in wild way is not advisable. Benefits and Detriments This herb grows as colonies in the concerned area. This growing nature of the plant help to guard the soil, whereas provides wrap in support of natural world. The gorgeous flowers which will contribute to the aesthetic area which hare colonized. Aramina is the fiber which will obtain from this herb, which looks like jute fiber. Congo-jute is the fiber manufactured in Africa and Brazil from the same plant (Fagundes, 2003). A variety of extract obtained from the roots and leaves from the plant are benefits as herbal-medicine. These extracts are used for varieties of disease like malaria, wounds, toothache, fever, colic and joint-pain. A report shows the raw leaves of Urena lobata hold the phosphorous of 67 mg/100g, ash of 21gm, 0.1 gm of fat, 3.2 g protein, 12.8 gm of carbohydrates, moisture of 81.8 %, Calcium of 558 mg and fiber of 1.8 gm. Leaves of Caesar weed give a semi-purified glycoside which is 86 % as effectual as the aspirin which is used as anti-inflammatory medicine in rats. In Africa the flowers and leaves are used as a famine food. The animal fur and the burs that are collected on clothing are a nuisance. On the other hand, the plant can become a harsh-weed in plantations and pastures and it is slight browsed by the cattle. Uses The traditional uses of the plant were found to be diuretic, febrifuge. and rheumatism. It sever as food for animals as well as humans (Mazumder et al,à 2001). It is used for malaria, gonorrhea, wounds and toothache.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
A Defining Moment In High School Athletics Essay -- Personal Narrative
A Defining Moment In High School Athletics I was a part of something my senior year that not many High School students will ever experience. It is one of those things that I will tell my grand kids about in years to come. The 2002 Fort Defiance Wrestling Team had a winning season with a perfect record. Our accomplishments as a team and as individuals will be in the records books at Fort Defiance High School, Virginia. Students athletes who play sports in school have dreams for their and themselves. One of these dreams is being exceptional enough to make it to the trophy case. We made it! The hard work, long practices, and discipline within the sport and us paid off. We were the first wrestling at Fort Defiance to have a perfect season. The wrestling started training for the perfect season the first Monday after Labor Day it was the 9th of September 2002. The day was very hot and muggy. The temperature outside was about 95 degrees. We all knew that practice was going to be to very tough. We were going to regret not working out all summer. Since wrestling the team camp had been about two months earlier, and that was the last time we had trained. We knew that we were going to pay a huge price for not listing to our coach and staying in shape. The first couple of weeks were tougher than I imagined. The training went on for the next two months until the season started. Most people looked forward to the end of the school day when it is time t go home. However that was not the case for me during wrestling season. My fun was just starting. Everyday we ran two miles to start with, then a couple of sprints. Then we would go into the wrestling room and stretch do run downs, which is were you do 15 push-ups then 15 sit-ups then 1... ... a wrestler, its not for all people you either love it or u hate there is no in between, the sport is too hard to just do it for fun. Wrestling demands many things from a person and would not be a sport for everybody. There have been many times that I have questioned myself in the sport. Itââ¬â¢s not only the physical aspect that is hard it is the mental aspect as well. Situations like not eating when you come home from practice so you can make weight. Itââ¬â¢s waking up two hours before school starts so you can run to make weight. Itââ¬â¢s believing in yourself when no one else does. It is a deep desire from within to be the best that you can be. My Wrestling experience in high school has shaped my life and made me the person Iââ¬â¢m today. Being a wrestler is tough, but Iââ¬â¢m thankful I had the experience. The lessons that I learned and the friendships made will carry though life.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Capricious traffic police Essay
A few days ago, while I was returning to Dhaka from Comilla, one of my friends called me in my mobile and wanted to know where I was. Right on that time I was in Kaanchpur Bridge. I told him that I was in Comilla. The thing is that was not untrue in the sense that it took 4 hours to reach Jatrabari, a time more than enough to reach Dhaka from Comilla. I knew this would happen and the confidence stemmed from the constant and horrible national Jatrabari gridlock. Gulistan-Jatrabari 10 kilometre flyover construction has not been completed yet which was supposed to end in December, 2012. This giant construction narrowed the passage for vehicles. Besides, the traffic police are also reckless in their duties and are completely failing to handle this gridlock. They make it even worse by letting the vehicles move disorderly. If it takes 3-4 hours to reach Saidabad from Kaanchpur, what the hell city are we living in? People who face this unbearable congestion in 8-9 pm have to wait until it is 1 am to reach Saidabad. The pick pockets and hijackers do roam right in that time exposing the passengers to vulnerable criminal attack. Moreover, it is hard to find a public transport then. How horrible this scenario is! The trucks with heavy consignments from Chittagong and the busses from south-eastern districts with passengers blend here in this narrow passage. Any bypass road hasnââ¬â¢t been there to ease the gridlock which is supposed to be when a flyover like this happens in a city area. The timeline provided by LGRD ministry to have the flyover finished has exceeded and we keep suffering. How long will it continue?
Friday, November 8, 2019
Fortuitous vs. Fortunate
Fortuitous vs. Fortunate Fortuitous vs. Fortunate Fortuitous vs. Fortunate By Sharon Its easy to mix up fortuitous with fortunate. After all, they both have aspects of luck and chance in their meaning. Fortunate means lucky, derived from the word fortune, which means luck, either good or bad. The Romans thought of fortune as a goddess who could be for you or against you. Fortuitous, on the other hand, derives from the Latin fortuitus meaning, by chance, accidental. So a fortuitous meeting is an accidental meeting, rather than a lucky one. Of course, now the waters have been further muddied. Thats because the common usage of fortuitous implies both chance and luck ââ¬â in other words, a fortuitous meeting might be one that was accidental, but which worked out well for those who met. Here are some quotations to help you see the words in context: Although the 8-1 ruling hardly surprised legal observers, state officials were scrambling to review it on Tuesday, the busy first day of the legislative session. Some observers said the timing of the ruling was fortuitous for lawmakers - were they not meeting in regular session, they may have had to convene yet another special session to address it. USA Today Although the 8-1 ruling hardly surprised legal observers, state officials were scrambling to review it on Tuesday, the busy first day of the legislative session. Some observers said the timing of the ruling was fortuitous for lawmakers - were they not meeting in regular session, they may have had to convene yet another special session to address it. NY Times Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesDriver License vs. Driverââ¬â¢s LicenseEpidemic vs. Pandemic vs. Endemic
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Mary Queen of Scots Biography essays
Mary Queen of Scot's Biography essays Mary Stuart was born on December 8, 1542 at Linlithgow Palace in West Lothian, Scotland. Mary was the only legitimate daughter of King James V of Scotland and his second wife Mary de Guise. James V learned of his daughters birth while on his deathbed at Falkland Palace, where he laid hopeless after an agonizing defeat by the British at Solway Moss. Many believed that Marys birth on the Immaculate Conception, a feast day of the Virgin Mary, was a good omen; however, her father felt otherwise and said, It come wi a lass, it gang wi a lass. This meant that James Vs dynasty started by a woman, Marjory Bruce, would end with the reign of his daughter. James V died six days after the birth of his daughter. Mary was crowned Queen of Scots at nine months old. Mary was betrothed at a young age to Edward VI of England, the son of Henry VIII. This betrothal was a treaty between the King of England and the Regents of Scotland in hope to end the constant feuding and warring between the two countries. However, Henry VIII still pushed his armies further north into Scotland. Also, Henry VIII encouraged the assassination of Cardinal Beaton, a great Scottish patriot. This angered the Scots, and many began to oppose the betrothal of Mary and Edward. These feelings of ill-will toward the English influenced the Scottish Parliament to annul the proposed marriage. In July 1548, Mary was sent to France, the homeland of her mother, because the Scottish Parliament agreed to the marriage between Mary and the son of Henry II of Francis, Dauphin Francis. Mary set sail from Dumbarton Castle in order to avoid the English patrol ships in the channel. She sailed to France with the children of Scottish nobility, including the Four Maries: Mary Fleming, Mary Seton, Mary Beaton, and Mary Livingstone. These four would remain with Mary throughout her life. They arrived in France in late August 15...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Wild Mushrooms in Winter Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Wild Mushrooms in Winter Summary - Assignment Example She goes ahead to explain the recipes as adapted from Arlene indicated that she loved Arleneââ¬â¢s recipes since they are very adaptable. She also indicated that people spend time looking for loved ones they have lost and if lucky end up finding them in other people though in small pieces. The author indicates that she found her grandmother in Arlene and she goes ahead to explain the good qualities that her grandmother possessed that she somehow finds them in Arlene. Moreover, the author indicates that Arlene always shared a tip that seemed obvious in retrospect which turned out to be great advice. She then goes ahead to give a recipe of the wild mushroom Pappardelle pasta as a adapted from Arlene Ward which could prove useful for any other individual out there trying out new recipes for dishes. Thus, sometimes, it is helpful to cook oneself through an emotion that might include sadness or loneliness (Fromm, 2). Often, such cooking brings out the best dish that other people around this individual enjoys more than
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Virgin Group Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Virgin Group Case Study - Assignment Example Some of the aspects of transformational leadership of Branson include inspirational motivation. For instance, he believes in collective responsibility of teams and motivated employees. Another aspect of the transformational leadership of Branson intellectual stimulation since he challenges the existing assumptions and promotes creative ideas. He invented space travel since he believes that the earth is tiny, unlike space, and he is also committed to developing a submarine that can reach ocean floors. He has idealized influence and acts as a role model for his employees. He instills trust and high ethical behavior in his business since he is committed to environmental conservation and charity work. Branson also makes individualized consideration through listening to all employees and showing support for the teams. He understands the needs of customers and employees and this is mainly why he dressed up in and boots a cowboy hat during the opening of regular flights to Dallas to symboli ze the needs of American customers (Daft 425). If Virgin Group was to go public tomorrow, I would be willing to purchase the stock. Richard Branson would be committed to ensuring profitability and high return on the shareholder's investments. I would be assured of positive returns since his diversification and acquisition strategies would ensure positive returns even during harsh business environment. Branson has high-performance expectations thus would pursue aggressive investment strategies in order to meet the expectations of the shareholders.
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